What an Adventure Traveller Packs

Now from the photo above, you can see what I am packing for this two-week trip. The Helmet bag maybe some what excessive but I like to look after my lid and hence it gets its own bag. All my clothes are in packs, you can, of course, use 1-gallon zip lock bags. This makes it so much easier as each day is prepacked. Everything fits nicely into the green North Face duffel which is an excellent back and has been “lost” in Amsterdam Airport, see the story before and has, of course, travelled to Machu Picchu with me. All the photo gear travels in the backpack for air transportation and it is a specially made to carry photographic equipment. The small bag front left is my day bag, this carries two cameras easily, the motion cameras are strapped to the bikes, as well as my iPad, documents. On the photo below you can see how compact this all packs up. The day bag and rucksack strap easily to the side of the bike and the green duffel on the rear seat, however for this trip we have the luxery of a support vechile.