Day 6 Jodhpur (Rest day)

Today is a rest day and a chance to reorganise, get laundry done. I have had a chance to find an ATM that only dispenses the equivalent of 1 pound notes or for my Chinese friends 10 quai notes my pockets are now stuffed with 100 notes.

Today we walk through the old town up to the fort, I did offer to give Bourdain a Wi-fi camera and I would just watch from the comfort of a bar, of course, that offer was turned down.

So the long walk is concluded, my Fitbit says I climbed 40 stories, my heart says I am not fit so why pretend I am, with a Fitbit.

The Mehrangarh Fort is amazing, actually seeing battle scars and the hand prints of former wives of the Prince , who on leaving the fort after the death of their loved one, place their hand print at the gate of the fort for one last time before walking through the town, giving poor folks some money and then getting burnt alive with their deceased husband !

Interestedly some young chap agreed to be buried alive in the stone work as a human sacrifice. Your right you couldn’t get away with this on the BBC, well may be on the Games of Thrones.

Lunch was spent over looking the Toorji Ka Jhlara step well, for those of you that don’t know what a step well is, it’s a well, with steps, Those clever Indians …. for my Banister followers not a Banister in sight.

And after lunch one went to get measured for a pair of Jodhpurs in memory of Sir Pratap Singh who took the London fashion scene by storm in 1887 attending Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, in a pair of the afore said trousers. I will follow in his footsteps. Sir Pratap also lead the last Cavalry charge in History in 1918 where he took the Jodhpur Lancers to take the fortified city of Haifa, I will not be taking the Enfield Lancers on their Triumphs for any such charge in some far flung outpost sadly.

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