Day -1 We have a map, be there buried Treasure

Well, a pretty uneventful trip across Delhi saying sorry to my pick up man, (who went to the wrong hotel to pick me up !!) that the East India company were robbers, drug dealers and slave traders and that they were their own nation! (watch the rather excellent Tom Hardy in Taboo currently on the Beeb). I got used to saying it to the Chinese so comes easy.

Yes I got issued a map and a t shirt !! well you have to have a t shirt, it’s like going to a gig ! Of course, if you went to a canteen you would have to have a tray!! ( that’s for the Eddie Izzard fans out there) but this rather excellent maps shows me where I am going, I did think what’s the point as I was just going to follow the guide and then the penny dropped !!! The guide is French, all of the other people are french !!! And I am le Rost Beuf !! , maybe they are going to speed off. We shall see tomorrow, but cunning moi has trois telephones all linked to the GPS oh and no money !!

Well that’s a lie I have many different currencies with me , some may say I could be the Ddelboy of the currency world , but the only Rupees I have are now no longer legal currency !! as of the 26 November they cancelled the 500 and 1000 rupee notes and now I have the sum total of 910 rupees about 11 quid !

Come closer it gets worse, none that’s NONE of my bank cards work from two different countries !!! Well the UK one they cancelled my card because I was using it in India even though They told me I told them !! My HK bank is a mystery to me and besides it’s Chinese New Year so no one can get hold of them as they are all home making dumplings !

So I have taken a couple of Prozac and now meditating to the cash God in the hope that when I wake up it will be all ok … Seriously a year ago I would have been panicking like hell, now I am totally chilled … the past year has taught me lots and now I see it in action.